Oracle APEX


Oracle APEX


Build enterprise apps 20x faster with 100x less code.

Oracle APEX is the world's most popular enterprise low-code application platform.

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What is Oracle APEX?

Oracle APEX is a leading low-code platform for building scalable, secure web and mobile apps, deployable in the cloud or on-premises. It enables developers to quickly create solutions without needing deep expertise in multiple technologies, allowing them to focus on solving problems while APEX handles the complexities.

What can you do with APEX?

APEX offers powerful solutions for diverse use cases, from replacing simple spreadsheets to running mission-critical enterprise systems used by thousands daily.

Use Cases

Oracle APEX delivers effective solutions for various use cases, ranging from basic spreadsheet replacements to mission-critical enterprise systems used by thousands every day.

Discover these six common use cases to gain insights into the capabilities Oracle APEX provides:

New Cloud Apps

Datamart Reporting

Spreadsheet Replacement

SaaS and EBS Extensions

Oracle Form Modernization

External Data Sharing


1. New Cloud Apps

Develop applications promptly to seize emerging business opportunities.

Organizations encounter a large backlog of non-enterprise apps needed quickly to meet evolving business demands. These apps often have vague requirements and shifting priorities, so they must be fast to build and easy to update.

Concept to Working Prototype in Minutes

Quick SQL lets you define new data structures with sample data using a simple shorthand syntax. It generates SQL scripts to create tables, triggers, and views in Oracle APEX. You can then use the Create App Wizard to quickly build reports, forms, and add features like access control and activity tracking, making a complete app in minutes.

Apply Low-Code Development Practices

Both IT professionals and tech-savvy business users can quickly build apps using Oracle APEX's low-code features. Its intuitive, browser-based Application Builder simplifies app creation, while powerful components allow for advanced functionality with minimal coding.

Agile Development

Oracle APEX enables rapid development and real-time collaboration with end users. Developers can quickly implement changes and enhancements, making it as efficient for maintaining apps as it is for building the initial prototype.

No Additional Licensing Costs

Oracle APEX is free to use if you already have an Oracle Database license, regardless of the number of developers, apps, or users. If not, you can access Oracle APEX with Oracle Database Cloud services at competitive, hourly pricing.

2. Spreadsheet Replacement

Organizations commonly use spreadsheets for data reporting due to their ease of creation, but this leads to multiple versions and flawed processes. A better approach is to use a single, secure database with a browser-based app for centralized data management.

From a Spreadsheet to Web app in Minutes

Utilized the wizard to quickly convert your spreadsheet into a populated table in Oracle Database, and automatically generate a functional app with reports and forms for managing the data.

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Single Source of Truth

Users log into a single APEX app to manage and view consistent, centralized data, eliminating the need for multiple spreadsheets

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Advanced Security

Spreadsheets lack authentication and audit features, whereas APEX apps offer SSO, LDAP, or social login options and built-in audit tracking. Data stored in Oracle Database benefits from professional backups managed by DBAs.

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Fully Relational

In spreadsheets, implementing master-detail relationships is difficult, leading to flat data that's hard to analyze. APEX simplifies this by running on the relational Oracle Database, where referential integrity is easily maintained, and master-detail pages can be defined declaratively.

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3. Oracle Forms Modernization

Modernize outdated Oracle Forms apps with APEX to improve usability, accessibility, browser compatibility, and mobile support. Transitioning from Oracle Forms to APEX is straightforward due to their shared SQL and PL/SQL basis and declarative development environments.

Modern, Beautiful, Responsive, Web-based Apps

The Universal Theme in APEX creates modern apps with customizable styles and templates, making it easy to build user-friendly applications.

Cohesive Design Patterns

APEX simplifies the creation of intuitive, accessible apps that are easy to navigate, similar to popular web apps. This makes it ideal for customer or partner-facing applications that require no training.

Rapid Application Development

Since APEX is metadata-based, maintaining or enhancing page definitions is quick and easy. For full page extensions, you can use SQL, PL/SQL, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Run on any Web Browser

APEX apps run entirely in the browser with no client software needed. They are fully responsive and mobile-ready, working seamlessly on any device.

4. External Data Sharing

Building public-facing apps for partners and customers can enhance business processes and customer satisfaction. To ensure security and reliability, use Oracle Database Cloud Services or an isolated Oracle Database in your DMZ for safe app development.

RESTful Integration

With APEX and Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS), developers can easily expose or consume RESTful Web Services. They can define a REST endpoint and then build reports, charts, or calendars on that data source declaratively.

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Build Bespoke Apps

Quickly develop custom applications designed to engage and delight your customers, encouraging them to increase their business with you.

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Advanced Security

Spreadsheets typically lack robust authentication and auditing features. In contrast, APEX applications support Single Sign-On (SSO), LDAP, and social logins, and can easily integrate audit tracking. Additionally, data is stored in Oracle Database, which is typically managed and backed up by professional database administrators.

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Cloud Hosting

You supply the data while Oracle handles the external infrastructure through Oracle Database Cloud Services.

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Oracle Vetted Services

Oracle offers a secured environment that is monitored 24x7.

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5. Datamart Reporting

Building interactive reporting apps with APEX simplifies the process of obtaining accurate, comprehensive data across an organization. It overcomes challenges like data scattered across systems, limited existing reports, access control issues, and slow report generation by offering extensive reporting and data visualization capabilities for creating effective dashboards.

Coalesce Data

To report accurately across an organization, first consolidate disparate data sets into a database or set up RESTful Web Services for APEX to use.

Fine Grained Security

Data can be restricted or redacted so that different user groups only access relevant information.

Comprehensive Reporting

APEX's Interactive Reports let users easily customize data display with options for column selection, filtering, sorting, computations, and pivoting. Users can save reports for personal use or share them with others.


Data operations occur directly in Oracle Database, avoiding data transfers. It also offers ad-hoc analysis functions for use in Oracle APEX.

6. SaaS and EBS Extensions

Many organizations use Oracle APEX to integrate with their ERP systems. While ERP systems offer extensive out-of-the-box functionality, they may not always provide the specific reports or features required, especially if they are tailored to particular industries or organizational needs. Additionally, some common business processes may be overly complex and inefficient. In these situations, developing an extension with APEX can provide the necessary information and significantly enhance productivity and user satisfaction.


Interactive Reporting

Enable end users to easily customize data to fulfill their reporting needs. This includes options for selecting and ordering columns, applying filters and sorting, performing computations and aggregations, and pivoting data. Users also have the capability to save reports for personal use or share them with others.

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Streamline Processes

Create an extension that streamlines the business process by reducing the number of steps involved. This extension will efficiently extract the required data from the ERP system and subsequently return the completed work products to the ERP system.

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Bespoke Development

Address company or industry-specific needs by developing custom applications. These applications should leverage relevant ERP data while incorporating local database objects to store additional information not available within the ERP system.

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Tight Integration

APEX can integrate data from various systems, beyond just ERP data, to create enhanced dashboards, reports, and more intricate business processes. This data can be accessed through REST Web Services or by connecting to other databases for data extraction and input.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Getting started with Oracle APEX is easy4. You can either use the free cloud service provided by Oracle or install it on-premises if you have Oracle Database3.
Oracle APEX allows developers to create sophisticated applications without needing extensive knowledge of various technologies. It provides a secure, scalable environment and integrates seamlessly with Oracle Database5.
Yes, Oracle APEX is a fully supported, no-cost feature of Oracle Database, making it accessible for users who already have Oracle Database5.
Absolutely. Oracle APEX is designed to handle everything from simple spreadsheet replacements to mission-critical enterprise systems used by thousands of users daily6.
You can build a wide range of applications, including web and mobile apps, data dashboards, and complex enterprise systems. It is versatile and suitable for various business needs.
Oracle APEX is built on the robust security features of Oracle Database, ensuring that applications are secure and compliant with industry standards.
Oracle provides extensive support for APEX users, including documentation, community forums, and the Business Innovations webcast series, which showcases how customers use APEX to solve business problems.